Wednesday 16 October 2024

What are the importance of E-commerce Product Photo Recoloring

 E-commerce product recoloring is a service that allows businesses to change the colors of product images digitally without needing to photograph the product in every available color. This can be especially useful for online stores where a product is available in multiple color variations. Instead of photographing each color variation, a photo editor can manipulate the base image to reflect different colors, saving time and costs.

Photo Recoloring Service

Product Recoloring Service


1. Cost-Effective:

  • Reduced Photography Costs: Instead of taking new photos for every color variant of a product, recoloring allows businesses to use a single image and digitally alter it. This saves on the costs of setting up multiple photo shoots, hiring models, and arranging studio space.

2. Time-Saving:

  • Faster Turnaround: Photo recoloring is quicker than organizing a photoshoot for every color variation. This allows for faster updates to product catalogs, helping businesses bring new variations to market swiftly.

3. Consistency:

  • Uniform Lighting and Angles: Since the same base image is used for recoloring, all product variations will have the same lighting, perspective, and style, ensuring visual consistency across the entire product lineup.

4. Increased Customization:

  • Flexibility in Colors: Businesses can experiment with new or seasonal colors without needing to physically manufacture and photograph each variation. It also allows for quick adjustments to cater to trends or special promotions.

5. Enhanced Marketing and Sales:

  • Variety in Product Offerings: Showing multiple color variations of a product can increase the appeal to a broader audience, leading to higher sales. Customers are more likely to purchase if they see the product in their preferred color.

6. Eco-Friendly:

  • Reduced Waste: Instead of producing multiple samples for a photoshoot, recoloring helps companies minimize the production of extra product samples, reducing waste and environmental impact.

7. Improved Creativity:

  • Experimentation with Visuals: Photo recoloring allows businesses and creatives to easily test new color schemes and designs digitally before committing to physical production, fostering innovation without high risk.

8. Global Appeal:

  • Localized Offerings: Companies can use recoloring to cater to different markets by adapting colors that resonate with local cultural preferences or trends without altering the core product.

How It Works:

  1. Source Image: A high-quality base image of the product is provided.
  2. Color Matching: The desired colors are either selected from the product's existing color palette or created from scratch.
  3. Recoloring: Using advanced photo editing software, the editor changes the color of the product while keeping the texture and lighting consistent.
  4. Final Touch: Adjustments are made to ensure the recolored image looks natural and matches the original product’s quality.

Many e-commerce companies use this technique for apparel, accessories, home decor, electronics, and furniture photo retouching to showcase multiple color options with minimal effort. You can try at for all types of retouching and recoloring service at affordable price.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

How Furniture Photo Retouching important for e-commerce sale

Furniture photo retouching plays a crucial role in boosting e-commerce sales by presenting products in the best possible light, making them more appealing to potential buyers. In online shopping, customers rely heavily on product images to make purchasing decisions, as they can't physically interact with the items. Here’s why furniture photo retouching is important for e-commerce sales:

1. First Impressions Matter

  • Visual Appeal: High-quality, retouched images create a positive first impression. Clean, sharp, and vibrant images catch customers' attention, making them more likely to explore the product further.
  • Professionalism: Professionally retouched photos convey a sense of trust and reliability. Poorly lit or low-quality images may make your business seem untrustworthy or unprofessional, which can deter potential buyers.

2. Showcasing Product Details

  • Highlighting Textures and Finishes: Retouching enhances the natural textures of wood, fabric, leather, or metal, allowing customers to get a better sense of the product's material and quality.
  • Accuracy: Proper color correction ensures that the furniture looks exactly as it does in real life, preventing customer dissatisfaction due to color discrepancies once the product is delivered.

3. Compensating for Poor Lighting and Environment

  • Correcting Lighting Issues: Many times, product photos taken in studios or natural environments might suffer from uneven lighting, shadows, or reflections. Retouching helps fix these issues, ensuring that the furniture looks its best, regardless of the shooting conditions.
  • Background Removal or Replacement: For e-commerce platforms, clean, consistent backgrounds (often white or neutral) are essential. Retouching ensures that all products are displayed against uniform backgrounds, which helps maintain a professional and clean appearance.

4. Building Brand Image

  • Consistency Across Images: Retouching ensures that all furniture images have a consistent look in terms of lighting, color tone, background, and quality. This consistency helps build a cohesive and recognizable brand image.
  • Lifestyle and Contextual Appeal: For lifestyle shots, e-commerce retouching can enhance the background or context in which the furniture is shown, making it more relatable and desirable by showing how the furniture fits into a home environment.

5. Increasing Customer Engagement

  • More Engaging Listings: Professionally retouched images create a more immersive shopping experience. When customers are attracted to well-crafted visuals, they tend to spend more time on your product pages, increasing the likelihood of purchase.
  • Higher Click-Through Rates (CTR): Eye-catching photos are more likely to appear in search results or ads, increasing CTRs. More clicks generally lead to more sales.

6. Boosting Conversion Rates

  • Reducing Product Returns: When product images are clear, accurate, and show details in high quality, customers know exactly what they’re buying. This reduces returns due to dissatisfaction or the product not matching the online images.
  • Increasing Confidence: Shoppers are more confident in purchasing high-ticket items like furniture when they can see every detail, material, and finish clearly in the images. Retouched photos eliminate ambiguity and build buyer confidence.

7. Competing in a Crowded Market

  • Standing Out from Competitors: With so many competitors online, high-quality retouched images can give your products a competitive edge. Superior visuals often lead customers to choose your product over a competitor's, even if the price is similar.
  • Higher Perceived Value: Well-retouched images can make furniture appear more luxurious and high-end, justifying higher price points and attracting customers who are willing to spend more for premium products.

8. Cross-Platform Appeal

  • Optimized for Different Platforms: Retouching ensures that images are optimized for different e-commerce platforms (like Amazon, Etsy, or Shopify) by adjusting resolutions, aspect ratios, and background styles according to each platform’s requirements. This versatility is crucial for maintaining brand consistency across multiple sales channels.

9. Supporting Visual Search and AI Features

  • Improving AI Recognition: Many e-commerce platforms use visual search and AI-driven product recommendations. Well-edited images ensure that these systems can accurately recognize your furniture, making it easier for customers to find your products.
  • Enhanced Product Tags and Metadata: When photos are professionally retouched and labeled, they are easier to tag and categorize, enhancing discoverability on search engines and within e-commerce platforms.

10. Increased Social Media Engagement

  • High-Quality Content for Marketing: Retouched furniture photos are not only useful for product pages but also for marketing across social media platforms. Beautifully edited images are more likely to be shared and liked, increasing brand visibility and driving traffic to your e-commerce store.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Before and After: Real-Life Examples of Photo Retouching

 Before and After images of Photo Retouching can be a compelling way to showcase the transformative power of photo editing services.


  • Hook: Start with a brief introduction that emphasizes the impact of photo retouching in various industries (e.g., fashion, real estate, social media).
  • Purpose: Explain that the post will demonstrate the value of professional retouching by showing real-life examples of before-and-after transformations.

Section 1: Portrait Retouching

  • Before Image Description: Show an unedited portrait with common issues like blemishes, uneven skin tone, or stray hairs.
  • After Image Description: Display the retouched version, highlighting how the subject's skin looks smoother, brighter, and more even without losing natural texture.
  • Key Enhancements: Mention specific techniques used, such as skin smoothing, blemish removal, and color correction.
  • Client Story: Briefly share a success story from a satisfied client (with their permission).

Section 2: Product Photography Retouching

  • Before Image Description: Present a raw product photo with imperfections like dust, scratches, or dull colors.
  • After Image Description: Show the retouched photo with enhanced colors, removed flaws, and a clean, polished look.
  • Key Enhancements: Discuss techniques like background cleanup, color correction, and sharpening.
  • Impact on Sales: Explain how the retouched image helped boost the client's e-commerce sales.

Section 3: Real Estate Photo Retouching

  • Before Image Description: Display a photo of a property with poor lighting, clutter, or unappealing colors.
  • After Image Description: Reveal the retouched image with improved lighting, color balance, and removed distractions.
  • Key Enhancements: Mention techniques like virtual staging, lighting correction, and color adjustment.
  • Client Feedback: Include a quote from a real estate agent or homeowner about the difference the retouching made.

Section 4: Event Photography Retouching

  • Before Image Description: Show a candid shot from an event that might have distractions or lighting issues.
  • After Image Description: Display the retouched image with enhanced colors, removed distractions, and a more vibrant overall look.
  • Key Enhancements: Highlight techniques such as object removal, color grading, and background enhancement.
  • Event Success: Discuss how the retouched photos contributed to the success of the event’s marketing.


  • Summary: Recap the transformative power of photo retouching across different types of photography.
  • Call to Action: Encourage readers to contact PicsRetouch for their photo retouching needs, offering a free consultation or a discount on their first service.

Bonus Tips

  • Include Testimonials: Throughout the blog, add testimonials from clients who have experienced the benefits of your services.
  • High-Quality Images: Ensure that the before-and-after images are high-resolution and clearly show the improvements.
  • Interactive Elements: Consider using sliders or GIFs to allow readers to interactively compare before-and-after images.

Monday 25 July 2022

Ideas for Social Media Posts – Inspirational Backgrounds

Get motivated with inspirational quotes. Let people inspire with your thoughts and musings. Even if you don’t have original thoughts, you can use great people’s thoughts to enlighten other people lives and make your social media posts truly life-changing for someone viewing them.

Embrace failure like a hero

Failure is a step stone to success. Fear of failure is what stops you to try out new things. Unless you try new things, nothing can be discovered. So, embrace failure and keep trying out new ideas, heading towards hidden, unknown territory in search of something that might be exciting and life changing. Do not fear of failure and love to fall again and again, but be prepared and encouraged to dust yourself off and keep on moving ahead while pumping your chest out proud. Try to aim for the moon, you are sure to get one of the billions of stars shining out there in the sky.

Dream big but get to the actual work

Dreaming is good, but only dreaming is not enough. You will have to plan for your dream, work hard for it and wait for the moment to come. Seize it when the moment comes. Do not just sit around and wish something to happen automatically. Go out and get it. This is what makes a great person. None has achieved greatness just by dreaming and sitting down. Put in the time and dedication and work hard to go anywhere you want to be.

Be smiling always

Life is like walking on a mountain, sometime going downwards and sometime going upwards. Things are not in your control at all times. What you can control is your response to the situations that you are in. It doesn’t cost you to smile and have a hearty laugh. Put a smile on your lips whatever the situations be like. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Always make it a point to keep going, pushing it further whatever you do and keep on smiling. Think about how far you have come and how far you have to go, checking all the way how you are doing things.

Enjoy the journey, destination is not far

Reaching destination as soon as possible should not be the goal. A good part of the entire effort is the journey that you cover to reach your destination. It is not always about getting to the finishing line. Enjoy the process of change as well along the path that you choose to travel. Enjoy the people and experiences that you have found all along your journey. Take one step at a time and even the vast tract of desert will become short. You are bound to reach the oasis, the oasis of success.

Follow your dream

Your dream is what should drive you. Live a life to fulfill your dream. Make your dream an actionable plan. Never shy of revealing your dream. Don’t fear from the outlandish road that traverses into the mysterious wilderness. You should be excited to go into an unknown territory. Take satisfaction that you have followed your heart and be happy when you see your dream in real. Don’t get afraid, reshuffle your mindset and turn your dream into a road that you can drive with your passion. Be prepared to get excited when you drive out to somewhere you have never been before.

For more ideas and actual background work, you can consult an experienced photographer or give your raw images to a photo retouching company for further processing.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

How to Color Match a Product Image

Coordinating hues on a particular photo can achieve amicability and add inventive energy to any picture. What's more, when managing items, precise hues additionally return and increment customer trust. Shading Correction or shading coordinating movements the equalization of a particular scope of hues makes nonpartisan features and by and large tones down any shading issues. From a purchaser's viewpoint, recognition is vital. In that capacity, individuals will in general make a subliminal judgment about an item inside 90 seconds of survey it. Need to stand apart from your opposition? Utilize these strategies and figure out how to shading match an item picture:

Use histograms

With regards to Product modifying Services, right introduction is significant. Working with a histogram upgrades item photography. As white and light shading objects are especially difficult to shoot because of overexposure, histograms guarantee that the item picture isn't under or overexposed. At the point when you change immersion and differentiation, it is anything but difficult to address hues and produce an appealing and steady base guide for your picture.

Ensure your lighting sources are of a similar temperature

Light sources are exceptionally significant for retouching and Color Correction. The light utilized during the photograph shoot ought to be of a similar shading temperature. If not, items will get distinctive shading throws. Strobe lights ought to consistently be utilized for item photography. Keep in mind, lighting impacts the manner in which shading is seen. A similar shading can seem diverse in an assortment of lighting conditions. In that capacity, light assumes a major job by they way we see shading. With the end goal of exact shading coordinating, dependable lighting sources can be utilized to offer consistency.

Use shading graphs

A shading checker is ideal for Photo Retouching Services. In addition to the fact that it creates an appealing shading profile for each arrangement of pictures each time you change your focal point, it additionally drastically influences the shade of the items. Without shading diagrams, the hues won't come out just as they show up on the item. All things considered, the objective is to get the shade of the picture on your screen to coordinate the item picture, in actuality. Shading diagrams offer the ideal arrangement.

Use dark cards

Dark cards are ideal for Color Correction. In the wake of setting your lighting, shoot a card first to decide if the shading needs adjustment. These apparatuses are explicitly intended to adjust shading settings likewise, making them perfect for high-end product image editing service. Utilizing dim cards makes it simple to make up for any illuminant shading in your shooting space. You should simply to put the card where your item will stand so it mirrors the light source.

Picking a decent shading framework for its items is a significant choice for any brand to make. It doesn't make a difference whether you are a solitary specialty provider or enormous scope maker, a decent item picture will give you an upper hand. Be that as it may, not all shading frameworks are the equivalent. Pick one dependent on the convenience of your framework just as your individual needs. Shading match astutely.

How to shoot white products photos effectively by not loosing detail?

These days, the majority of the individuals need to take flawless pictures, regardless. In any case, the nature of our photographs is affected by numerous variables, and the vast majority of them are as yet showing in any event, when we're utilizing a top notch quality camera. A great deal of youthful picture takers grumble that their greatest test is to deify white items. Photographs of white things frequently will in general lose subtleties or to scatter the light in an unappealing way. In any case, this circumstance can be survived, by some unique changes.

Change the light

A decent light is fundamental for each fruitful photograph, however for this situation, it's significantly progressively significant. At the point when you alter the light, you will need to separate the caught thing from the foundation. You will likewise need to plot the item's shapes, in over to feature it. Also, with a white item, every one of those things are much harder to accomplish. Be that as it may, it is conceivable. Rather than lighting the item straightforwardly, you'll need to utilize a wellspring of light for jewelry photo manipulation, which will make shadows and a progressively expressive definition.

Check the settings of your camera

Since you've set up the light, you should alter your camera. Concentrate on your light source and set the white parity as needs be. Attempt to make some test photographs and perceive how the item looks. In the event that there are any blue lines or if the pictures contain some grainy subtleties, some more changes must be made. Play with the settings and take photographs, until the item has every one of its subtleties featured and separates from the foundation. For better outcomes, you ought to think about utilizing a tripod.

Build up your shooting place

Despite the fact that the majority of the occasions we don't have that choice, it's optimal to choose your own shooting stage, so as to take the best pictures. A ton of picture takers pick a dark foundation, as it makes a difference between the white item and the remainder of the photograph. This isn't really an awful methodology yet some of the time, these sorts of photographs may look exhausting or unappealing. That is the reason, a kaleidoscopic foundation or even a white one, are more than prudent. Attempt to build up the limits between the foundation and your item, without losing any detail. The self-adjust will help you a ton here, yet on the off chance that the photograph doesn't look normal after all the alterations, you should select a darker stage. In case you're snapping the picture on a white domain, you can utilize a white intelligent surface to put behind and underneath the item. It will look increasingly normal, keeping all the significant subtleties.


Since you have your photographs, it's an ideal opportunity to layout the subtleties and to address the defects. For that, you will require altering programming. Photoshop or some other altering programs are difficult to work, and on the off chance that you don't ace them, you may accomplish more mischief than anything to your photograph. This is the place an expert image editing organization may support you. They can process your item photography as indicated by your directions, and feature their principle highlights. In the event that you need an ideal photograph, at that point it's basic to work with a particular organization.


Taking white item photography isn't so difficult, when you get acclimated with all the angles. All you need to is practice hard and continue attempting until your photographs are nothing not exactly great.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Best Photo Retouching Services Provider

India has emerged as one of the biggest providers of photo retouching services in the world. Unmatched quality and unbelievable prices have made these companies a favorite among international clients. There is no dearth of skillful professionals who possess several years of industry experience.

The following is just an outline of the professional photo editing services being offered by retouching companies. 

Clipping Path

Companies selling automotive products online need basic clipping path services, which India is well-placed to offer at affordable prices. Depending on the difficulty level, a typical clipping path job can cost anything between USD 0.30 and USD 3 per image.

Retouchers are well-experienced to use different technologies depending on the type of product images. Adobe Photoshop is the primary software platform, but other platforms may also be used as and when necessary.

While the lasso and pen tools are just enough to clip images with well-defined shapes, professionals have to make use of advanced techniques, such as masking and channel selection, for images having hair or fur-like edges.

Removal of Unwanted Elements

One basic retouching job is to remove unwanted elements on a given image. While the removal of surrounding elements is fairly simple, it may take special skills and significant time to remove unwanted objects from the highlighted subject of the image.

Clipping path is often a necessary step to remove backgrounds, shadows, reflections, logos and other distracting features. A mix of various tools, such as dodge and burn, must also be used to remove blemishes, dust and noise on a human subject.

Products, such as automobiles and jewelry items need to be cleaned from dents, scratches, stickers, fingerprints, unwanted reflections, excessive lighting and exposure, and other imperfections. These need advanced skills.

Image Correction

Raw images almost always contain some errors that are beyond the control of a photographer. A seasoned photographer might use Lightroom to correct photographic errors related to lighting, color and exposure.

Sometimes, you have no option than to seek that help of an experienced retoucher to meet the post production deadline. A retouching company in India can help correct color, density, perspective, lighting and exposure; add special effects like tints or selective colors; and fix camera or lens distortions.

Treatment of Human Subject

Fashion industry can’t do without experienced retouchers when it comes to smoothen skin; enhance body details; remove spots, blemishes and other imperfections; and do things like teeth whitening, body sculpting, background editing or composing, and removing, eye bags, wrinkles, and crow’s feet.
Excessive retouching on a human subject is often discouraged and is a subject of debate worldwide. One needs to be highly experienced to create the perfect balance between reality and fantasy. Indian companies are well-experienced to meet the industry standards.

Other Services

Several industries need the skillful services of retouching companies for a variety of other reasons.
For example, the real estate industry often needs to merge several images and create one that showcases the property in good light and texture. A special technique known as photo stitching is applied to achieve the result.

A eCommerce retailer always need experienced product photo retoucher to grow products sale.

Similarly, there are services, such as HDR photos, image compositing, photo manipulation, and photo restoration that need advanced knowledge, high skill and great experience for a retoucher. is an India-based company that offers all the afore-mentioned services at unbelievably low prices. Visit its website to begin your free trial today.